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Live, Love & Learn 

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Holy Saviour Primary School

At Holy Saviour, we aim to provide a safe and respectful learning environment where children are healthy, happy, engaged and successful. As educators, we understand that there are strong links between student wellbeing and success. By ensuring students are supported in their social and emotional learning, we are able to provide an environment where students will thrive and where positive relationships are supported.


Some of the programs and resources we use which support our students’ interpersonal and personal development include:


  • The Resilience Project

  • Bounce Back

  • Australian Values

  • Restorative Practices

  • Buddy program

  • Circle Time

  • Meditation & Mindfulness

Cyber Safety - eSmart

Holy Saviour School values the safety and wellbeing of all students, in the online and offline world. In 2020, we proudly achieved eSmart status.


eSmart, an initiative of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, helps teachers, librarians and the greater community to best manage cyber risks, bullying and cyberbullying issues so students feel safer and supported.


Over the past few years, Holy Saviour staff, students and parents have participated in tasks to help us achieve eSmart status across 6 domains:

  1. Effective school organisation

  2. School plans, policies and procedures

  3. A respectful and caring school community

  4. Effective teacher practices

  5. An eSmart curriculum

  6. Partnerships with parents and the local community


Our duty and responsibility is now to maintain our eSmart status by reviewing and revising these processes, procedures and partnerships on an annual basis.

We will continue this initiative and maintain our eSmart status long into the future.


Keep an eye out for our eSmart School sign that is on our fence on Highbury Road!

The Resilience Project

The Resilience Project provides emotionally engaging and practical positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness to all our students. The school community including our staff, students and parents all participate in learning about resilience. The students engage in a lesson per week from a structured program provided by The Resilience Project team. These lessons link with our Bounce Back Program and Circle time. The Parents have opportunities to attend workshops on resilience and parenting. The staff also participate in workshops to support their students with the program.

Student Led Lunch Clubs

Lunchtime clubs at Holy Saviour offer students the opportunity to engage and participate in activities that they enjoy and are passionate about, socialise with groups of multi-age students, 'take a break' from the playground or try something new. We have many lunch clubs at Holy Saviour which include:

  • construction

  • drawing

  • aerobics

  • choir

  • construction/board games

  • gardening

  • library

  • robotics

  • card swap

Wellbeing Hub

In 2020, Holy Saviour established the Wellbeing Hub. The Hub is a dedicated space for wellbeing and social/emotional learning. There are learning zones dedicated to PMP, creative and imaginative play, quiet reading and calm zone, circle time/mindfulness floor space and an arts and crafts space. Each zone is equipped with its own equipment such as sensory tools, soft furnishings and work out spaces. This specialised room is used by whole classes, small groups or individual students and support staff.

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